Finally access to a computer! Not that I miss it.
Well it's a bloody long way to Vietnam, 24 hours, 3 flights, 4 plane meals (Ugh) and 24hrs hours later we arrived in Hanoi's old quarter. 4 million people live in this city, the population of NZ. It's a big old bustling place, people packed in and most of them on mopeds. Today's temperature 31degrees and humid. We've spent 3 days in a very nice hotel getting our bearings, and getting over the jet lag. In between sleeps and cool showers have ventured into the frenetic pace of the old quarter, walking around the small streets dodging moped drivers, shopping and snacking on devine Vietnamese food. There is a constant sound of horns which we have gotten used to & many street hawkers (no I do not want a donut, hat, lighter, hammock!).
But Hanoi has a lot to teach us about humility, they are a very tolerant and polite people here. A smile is a very powerful thing and if you are polite back then many things can be achieved and new friendships made easily.
We have visited the Ethnology museum, some impressive temples, markets and lakes. Today we thought we were going to escape to a quiet park and found ourselves in the public zoo, on Sunday and a public holiday. Thousands of families were there and we were definately the ONLY tourists, so that when we sat down to eat icecream we became an exhibit ourselves.
Plenty of delicious food to be had, it's gluten free mecca for Pearl as the staple is rice and nearly everything local based on this so she's pretty happy to be eating spring rolls and dumplings for the first time. Bia Hoi has proven to be another staple, for us anyway, at 30c a glass we can't resist.
Today we've moved onto a much less luxurious 2 star hotel, and are about to meet up with our group, so I'm keeping thís short. Tomorrow we escape the city for Ha Long Bay.
This ancient PC ưon't let me upload photos, the USB port is blocked, so sorry no photos, you'll have to wait for that, but I am taking plenty. Actually I do miss my Mac. Bloody windows.
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